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Faculty of Dentistry


Reception time: Monday-Saturday: 08: 30-17: 00
Phone: (0366) 233-81-08
Manzil: Samarkand, Amur Temur, 18

Specialty: 5510400 – Dentistry
Qualification: general dentist
Training period: 5 years
Form of training: full-time

Today the faculty consists of 6 departments:

  1. Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
  2. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
  3. Department of Pediatric Dentistry
  4. Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
  5. Department of Otorhinolaryngology
  6. Department of Oral Surgery and Dental Implantology


Sultonov Sardor Boqiyevich

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry

2 course

Time of receipt: sunday-friday 8:30-17:00, saturday 8:30-15:00

Num: 99 103 86 20


Xudoyqulov Shahzod Shavkatovich

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry

3 course

Time of receipt: sunday-friday 8:30-17:00, saturday 8:30-15:00

Num: 91 250 55 56


Isaev Umid Ismailovich

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry

4 course

Time of receipt: sunday-friday 8:30-17:00, saturday 8:30-15:00

Num: 97 928 70 48



  The faculty has been operating since 2009.

  At the time of the opening of the faculty, the head of the dental course, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kubaev Saidolim Esirgapovich, was appointed as the dean.

  From 2012 to 2020, the dean was the candidate of medical sciences Zainiev Sukhrob Sobirovich.

  From 2020 appointed dean of the faculty, candidate of medical sciences, assistant professor Akhmedov Alisher Astanovich

  The dean's office of the Faculty of Dentistry pays great attention to the high level of education at the departments, improving the quality of education and modern education of students. On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No. PF-4947 "Priorities for the development of the social sphere" "Development of education and science"

  Further improvement of the continuous education system, increase in opportunities for obtaining high-quality educational services, continuation of the policy of training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the modern needs of the labor market;

  Take targeted measures to strengthen the material and technical base of educational institutions through their construction, reconstruction and overhaul, equipping with modern teaching and laboratory equipment, computers and teaching aids;

  Expand the network of preschool educational institutions and radically improve conditions for the full intellectual, aesthetic and physical development of children in these institutions, significantly increase the coverage and availability of preschool education for children, as well as improve the qualifications of teachers and specialists a radical improvement in the quality of general secondary education, in-depth study of foreign languages, informatics and other important and demanded subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology;

  Construction of new children's sports facilities, children's music and art schools, reconstruction of existing ones in order to involve children in mass sports, their introduction to the world of music and art;

  Improving the training and employment of professional college students in specialties that meet the needs of the market economy and employers;

  Improving the quality and efficiency of higher education institutions through the introduction of international standards for assessing the quality of education and training, a gradual increase in quotas for admission to higher education institutions;

  Stimulation of scientific and innovative activities, the creation of effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovative achievements, the creation of specialized research and experimental laboratories, high-tech centers and technology parks at universities and research institutes.

  985 students study at the faculty.

  The graduates of the faculty are awarded the qualification “Doctor-dentist”. In the future, the magistracy and clinical residency will have the opportunity to study in such disciplines as "Therapeutic dentistry", "Surgical dentistry", "Orthopedic dentistry", "Pediatric dentistry", "Maxillofacial surgery", "Orthodontics".


   The main directions of educational work at the Faculty of Dentistry are: promoting the activities of student self-government, promoting the employment of students, organizing support for students' creative initiative, promoting physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.

  The main forms of work that implement the main directions of educational activities at the Faculty of Dentistry are the creation and organization of the work of creative, scientific associations and teams, the unification of students and teachers of interest through the organization of cultural, sports, scientific and educational events, the organization of students' leisure.

The organization of educational work at the faculty is carried out by the primary organization of the Youth Union, the student trade union committee, the faculty women's committee, councils of curators, educational structures of hostels and student self-government bodies. In order to increase the effectiveness of educational work, improve its organization, the principles of an individual approach are used, the faculty has an institute of curators assigned to certain student groups, who are recommended by the department for spiritual and educational work of the institute and the dean's office from among the most experienced teachers of scientific workers.

As part of the educational work carried out at the faculty, a significant number of activities were carried out.

In the volleyball competition held at the institute, the students of the Faculty of Dentistry won the first place.

The students of the Faculty of Dentistry took the second place in the competition "Balli qizlar" held at the Institute.


  Faculty research is published in international, national and local publications. The research work of the faculty scientists is carried out in close connection with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the requirements of practical health care. On November 17, 2017, the Institute hosted an international scientific and practical conference "Actual issues of modern dentistry."


  Today the faculty consists of 6 departments:

• Department of Prosthetic Dentistry (head of the department Norbotaev AB);

• Department of Therapeutic Dentistry (Head of Department T.E. Zoyirov)

• Department of Pediatric Dentistry (head of the department Rakhimberdiev RA);

• Department of Maxillofacial Surgery (head of the department Gafforov Yu. B.)

• Department of Otorhinolaryngology (Head of Department Khushvaktova N.Yu.)

• Department of Oral Surgery and Dental Implantology (Head of Department A. I. Khazratov).

Students of the faculty study at departments, clinical bases of the institute, Samarkand city and regional dental clinic, children's clinic, the department of maxillofacial surgery at the city hospital.

  In the educational process, the department uses modern equipment and technology to study specialized subjects. This allows you to deeply master the material. There are also standard and working programs at departments, classrooms, educational research laboratories, exhibition halls and auditoriums, all the necessary conditions for the professional practice of a student at clinical bases, necessary for the educational process based on curricula.

  Students have every opportunity to use the methodological materials of the Institute's e-learning system via the Internet. In particular, the website contains all information about the educational process for students, tests, lectures and e-books.


  Creation of a program in the main areas of work with gifted students, selection and rewarding of talented youth by professors and teachers of departments, strengthening of cooperation with educational institutions of the republic and abroad.
  Talented students of the faculty take an active part in various events held in the CIS countries, the republic and the institute. Thus, students use a variety of activities: discussions, presentations, interviews to systematize and generalize their theoretical knowledge, the use of innovative technologies in a human-centered environment, to improve their practical skills. All faculties have scientific circles for students. They cover a wide range of topics, and students have the opportunity to choose an interesting and relevant field of study. Students take part in various interesting scientific, theoretical and practical master classes.

1 student of the faculty won the "Rector's Scholarship" of the Institute

A student of the Faculty of Dentistry of Samarkand State Medical Institute has won the International Olympiad.