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Specialised medical survey conducted in Bulungur and Jambai districts

  Further improvement of modern therapeutic and preventive measures and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the population, in particular, fertile age women, pregnant women, children, people in need of social protection and care, lonely elderly people and people with disabilities - is conducted by the Samarkand State Medical Institute in order to improve the coverage of patients with chronic diseases and the provision of medical care.

  Under the leadership of chief physician of clinic No.1 of SamMI, Professor Abdullaeva N.A., about 20 professors and teachers conducted a specialized medical examination in Dustlik health unit of Mingtepa makhalla of Bulungur district. On the basis of laboratory tests, ultrasound examinations and ECG tests organized there, 102 patients with chronic diseases were referred to specialized medical facilities in the city and region.

  On April 7, 2021, Head of Infectious Diseases Department, Associate Professor Yarmukhamedova N.A. with specialists of this department conducted a qualified medical examination of about 60 patients who were under dispensary care in Jambay district medical unit of Samarkand region. Employees of the department also actively participated in Covid-19 vaccination of the population of Jambay district and explained the effectiveness of vaccination to the population.

  Institute professors and lecturers also held public round tables on "Rules for safe vaccination", "Why do we need vaccination?", and "Ways to improve the health of the population".

  Examinations, direct assistance in prevention and treatment of the population, in general, the activity of the staff of the institute was highly appreciated by the local medical associations and the people of these areas.

SamSMI Press Service