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University Press Office


Job title:

Head of the University Press Service

Time of receipt:

Tuesday 8:30-15:30 Friday 8:30-15:00





Samarkand, st. Amira Temura, 18


About the press service of Samarkand State Medical University

Chapter 1. Basic rules.

The press service is an independent structural unit of Samarkand State Medical University and reports directly to the rector of the university.

The press service carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Openness of State Authorities” and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is guided by decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic and these Regulations.

The press service carries out its activities in close cooperation with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, structural divisions of the university and relevant services of other government and administrative bodies.

Chapter 2. Main tasks and functions of the press service

The main responsibilities of the press secretary include:

  • participation in the formation and implementation of information policy determined by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the management of the university in accordance with modern requirements;
  • ensuring effective and practical interaction with information services of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, other government and economic management bodies on the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of information;
  • objective, high-quality and prompt informing of the general public about the activities of the university, and the adoption of relevant regulatory documents in this area;
  • mutual cooperation with the media (hereinafter referred to as the media), formation of a circle of journalists working in constant cooperation with the university, distribution of information messages (press releases, newsletters, etc.), organization of public events;
  • prompt placement and timely updating of information on the official website of the university, development of web resources on the Internet, including social and mobile networks;
  • monitoring and analysis of the information space, preparing, together with experts, proposals on the types, methods and degree of news coverage, organizing comprehensive work on distributing materials in the media, including on the Internet;
  • preparation of news, information materials, comments and information and analytical materials together with other departments of the university for distribution in domestic and foreign media;
  • analysis of the state of public opinion and the position of domestic and foreign media regarding the activities of the university and provision of relevant information to the rector of the university;
  • formation and maintenance of a data bank of text, photo, audio and video materials related to the field of activity of the university.

The press secretary performs the following functions in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to him:

  • publishes (prints) information in the media, including on the Internet, and also ensures its placement and updating on official websites, in premises and places accessible to everyone;
  • organizes and conducts public events, including events with the participation of university leaders (meetings, meetings, press conferences, briefings, seminars, round tables, etc.);
  • provides them with information orally and in writing (including in the form of an electronic document) based on requests from the media and journalists;
  • collects the information necessary to effectively solve the problems facing him, when interacting with other departments of the university and carefully processes them;
  • ensures the organization of the university website and keeps it up to date;
  • participates in the preparation and editing of television programs, videos and films, ensures their archiving for their subsequent proper storage;
  • prepares photo, audio and video materials about the activities of the university and cooperates with state and non-state media in the process of their preparation;
  • ensures the formation and maintenance of a data bank of photo, audio and video materials related to the field of activity of the university;
  • considers instructions and requests from republican news agencies and the media for assistance in preparing materials about the activities of the university within the limits of its powers.

Chapter 3. Rights and responsibilities of the press secretary

The press secretary has the following rights to perform the duties and functions assigned to him:

  • requesting information necessary to perform the tasks and functions of the press secretary from other departments of the university and departmental organizations in the prescribed manner;
  • participation in meetings, conferences and other university events;
  • attracting employees of other departments of the university, as well as qualified specialists from other organizations, including on a contractual basis in agreement with the head of the university;
  • interaction with information services of other universities in the prescribed manner;
  • representing the institution on behalf of the press secretary at events of republican significance on behalf of management;
  • publishing printed publications within its powers;
  • making proposals to improve the university’s information policy, submitting draft regulatory documents on activities for consideration by management.

   The press secretary is responsible for:

  • High-quality and timely completion of assigned tasks;
  • objective, high-quality and prompt coverage of the university’s activities in the national media.

Chapter 4. Organization of the activities of the press secretary

  • The press secretary is appointed and dismissed by the rector of Samarkand State Medical University;
  • The activities of the press secretary are organized on the basis of a work plan approved by the rector of the university;
  • The press secretary reports directly to the rector of the university.

Press department staff

Khimmatov Umarzhon Khusanboevich


Nurullaev Davronbek Nuriddin ugli
